This report continues our quest in Electric Cars adoption rate scenarios:
"As you can see above, explosive growth in some sectors can happen even when economy is slowly growing as a whole. Authors of the Deloitte study very carefully took into consideration a lot of different aspects for adoption of the new technology like Electric Cars. Have they missed something? Maybe not when we are talking about U.S. in a "normal situation", but we are living in a "New Normal" according to PIMCO. Charts above and below bring us some more dimensions for thoughts. It is growth of Oil consumption in China from 1965 and below is Rate of this Growth compare to other countries. We will bring a new factor into the growth valuation for EVs - what if there is no more Cheap Oil left and how it feels to be grounded? We will address you to the Life After Oil and other thoughts on the Peak Oil."
"Lithium Batteries Powering Ten Percent of Autos by 2020
"Lithium Batteries Powering Ten Percent of Autos by 2020
By Dave Brown – Exclusive to LithiumInvestingNews.com
The Royal Academy of Engineering has issued a report that suggests hybrid and electric cars may grab as much as 10 percent of the European automobile market by 2020. The largest impediments for this forecast appear to be cost hurdles, standardized regulations, and infrastructure investments.
The report points out that the reserve base represents sufficient lithium for a billion EV batteries, meaning that lithium shortages do not appear imminent and the diversity of possible battery chemistries suggests that a shortage of battery materials is unlikely. In addition to the lithium based batteries, which currently appear to be the industry’s state of the art technological benchmark, energy storage sources might potentially include lead, nickel, sodium, and zinc-based chemistries.
The report identifies four technical issues: availability of high energy-density batteries at a practical price, feasibility of charging vehicles, infrastructure implementation, and a ’smart grid’ that can recharge millions of electric vehicles using low-carbon electricity. The current contribution of renewable and low-carbon generation to the United Kingdom’s energy supply is one of the lowest in Europe. If the country intends to meet its renewable energy targets, a range of new low-carbon sources will be needed, including new nuclear power stations, wind farms, and tidal barrages.
Last October, a study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP indicated that automobiles manufacturers are set to introduce 42 electric models worldwide by 2012"
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