"Peak Oil and Lithium: Joint Operating Environment 2010
Please pay attention, this report is written by those who knows the Real Price of Oil. If you account all military needed to protect Oil supply lines and cost of wars to get more oil, price will be well above 150 USD/barrel already. Now we all have another problem: there is simply no more oil enough for all. Will future wars for oil be the only answer?"
Please pay attention, this report is written by those who knows the Real Price of Oil. If you account all military needed to protect Oil supply lines and cost of wars to get more oil, price will be well above 150 USD/barrel already. Now we all have another problem: there is simply no more oil enough for all. Will future wars for oil be the only answer?"
Electric Cars is the only commercially viable technology today to sustain mobility world wide with rising Oil prices. Lithium is at the heart of Green Mobility revolution - it is an industry adopted standard for batteries and billions of dollars are invested into battery technology and upcoming by the end of this year Electric Cars on a mass market scale. This Bull market is still very young - only a year or so from the beginning after the crash of 2008."
In our quest for the new Bulls ignited by Peak Oil and new disruptive transformational technologies we can not avoid old solid Copper play. Electricity is the most convenient form of energy available to us, it could be generated by using different sources, it could be transported and it could be transformed in another form of energy or to power different devices from A/C to iPod. Now we have means to store it, game has been changed in Energy Business with development of lithium batteries powerful enough for mobility applications. Electric cars is the new game in town and we have defined our Lithium Bull on supply side for Energy Storage applications. In a sharp contrast to Hydrogen proposition you do not have to invest first billions in the Hydrogen infrastructure - electric infrastructure is here already and it is relatively easy to extend and upgrade it for EV mass market use. Our argument here is that once we moved from high energy density fuel like Oil for mobility applications, we have really revolutionary development in batteries for energy storage and it will be always cheaper and safer to produce electricity at industrial scale plant than on board of the vehicle, when it should be safe, light, cost efficient and with high specific power. Here where Copper come into play as a "Green metal". We will need to provide the "Last Mile" - to build charging points. Copper is at the heart of every electric motor and electric motors are all around us providing necessary conversion of electricity into mechanical power. Now in this space the focus is on energy efficiency and Copper is taking the central stage.

There's no better solution than copper when it comes to improving the energy efficiency of electrical products.
Copper is one of the most reliable and efficient media for transmitting electric power. Electricity flowing through copper wires meets far less resistance than it would in aluminum or steel wires of the same width. In fact, copper is a better electrical conductor than any other metal except silver, making it the most economical and efficient electrical conductor available. Using copper wires results in lower electrical transmission losses, thus conserving energy and reducing demand on generating capacity, which ultimately benefits us all!
As demands for electrically operated machines grow, consumers worldwide will naturally seek more energy efficient devices. Apart from saving on electricity bills, extensive use of copper in home construction will maximize safety, security and efficient energy management.
Conserve for tomorrow
Wasted energy needlessly depletes natural resources. It is expensive. It negatively impacts on the pocket books of people, companies, and national economies.
And it requires fossil-fueled power plants to work harder, thereby emitting more greenhouse gases and contributing to climate change. For all of these reasons, it is critical to find new ways to improve energy efficiency.
Switching to energy-efficient equipment, such as high- and premium-efficiency motors, high-efficiency transformers, and appliances requires only a modest additional investment. But that investment will more than pay for itself in reduced energy bills, usually within a short time.
Outstanding conductivity aside, copper possesses a number of other advantageous qualities as well. Copper is easy to work with and far more corrosion resistant than aluminum.
Sustainable Energy Efficiency Programs
ICASEA recognizes the need to continuously promote and tap Copper's limitless potential for electrical applications. We highlight the importance of the maintaining the economic efficiency of the energy systems so that society is aware that copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, and that increases the efficiency of electrical products. This in turn translates into lower operating cost, increased reliability, longer lifespan, and lower risk of brownouts, increased safety and more capital for business investments.
Our programs cover the entire chain of electrical systems - from electrical power generation to the transmission, distribution and end use of electricity. The benefits reaped include less waste and less heat generated when electrical systems are utilized for serving mankind.
We do this through sharing information and best practices in developing countries on the benefits of upsizing to the correct gauge of copper wires used throughout the construction industry to reduce heat loss and increase energy efficiency.
It is apparent in power generators, high efficiency motors, power distribution transformers, and magnetic ballasts. Copper also offers the most substantial electrical and energy efficiency benefits over other materials. We have co-organized and co-sponsored intra-Asian programs that have unlocked opportunities within the intra-ASEAN network to share knowledge and gain a position of influence in strategically important forums of the industry. Our programs have laid the foundation for future expansion of markets for the members of our centre."
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