There are Electric Cars, safe technology for reliable batteries and Lithium availible for them: there is no execuse not to start Electric Mobility revolution today.
EV mass market will be started with standardization for safety and recharging infrastructure for Electric Cars. Hydrogen is lighting years away from mass adoption on cost and needed infrastructure crucial points. All the talk about dirty EVs is the old song from the Oil lobby guys. Electric Car is the only viable alternative to Oil driven CE, which is available today. By the way, every Hydrogen car needs a battery as well. Lithium supply for the batteries is not a question of existence or dependence on anybody's political will, it is available in safe locations and there is no excuse not to advance Electric Cars now. Last events in Europe reminded about the feeling to be Grounded - with ash this time, how the world is going to live with Oil above 150 USD/barrel?
Bloombeg Businessweek:
Brussels Outlines Plans for Electric Cars
Saying that cross-border standards for safety and rechargers will be critical to the success of electric vehicles, the European Commission has laid out a timetable
By Leigh Phillips
The European Commission on Wednesday (28 April) outlined a plan to get electric cars off the drawing board and onto the streets of Europe.
Central to the EU's plan for shifting away from the internal combustion engine is developing a series of European standards that everyone will adhere to.
"Without strong standardisation work, I think it will be difficult to develop a market for electric cars," said industry commissioner Antonio Tajani.
"These aren't just curiosities in motor shows any more. They are being keenly awaited by European citizens. It's important for citizens to be able to cross borders and still charge their cars."
Ensuring that there is a standardised charger is core to the strategy. Brussels does not want citizens to be as frustrated with their green vehicle as they are with a hair dryer in a foreign hotel when they've forgotten to buy an adapter.
The commission hopes to have electrical safety standards outlined by the end of 2010.
Then, next year, standards for the recharging of cars will be developed, and the following year, 2012, the commission wants to analyse the risks involved when such cars are involved in collisions.
The commission believes that hydrogen fuel-cell cars are one of "most promising options."
Responding to the plan announced today, Ian Williamson, the vice-chair of the UK Hydrogen Association said he was pleased with the strategy: "Hydrogen battery hybrid vehicles will be key to creating a low carbon transport infrastructure throughout Europe because, unlike pure electric vehicles, they offer consumers the same range, speed and fuelling times of conventional vehicles."
Green groups cautiously welcomed the news while underscoring that electric cars are only truly green if the electricity used comes from genuinely renewable sources. If the electricity is coming from coal-fired power plants, for example, this is just pushing the carbon emissions away from the vehicle but not tackling the root of the problem, they say.
"The Commission hasn't addressed two of the most critical issues, namely ensuring that the extra electricity needed will boost renewable sources and the need for smart meters in every vehicle to keep track of consumption and the carbon intensity of electricity," said Jos Dings, director of Transport & Environment, a green transit NGO.
"These two issues will be critical to ensuring that electric cars actually reduce emissions."
Provided by EUobserver—For the latest EU related news"
Saying that cross-border standards for safety and rechargers will be critical to the success of electric vehicles, the European Commission has laid out a timetable
By Leigh Phillips
The European Commission on Wednesday (28 April) outlined a plan to get electric cars off the drawing board and onto the streets of Europe.
Central to the EU's plan for shifting away from the internal combustion engine is developing a series of European standards that everyone will adhere to.
"Without strong standardisation work, I think it will be difficult to develop a market for electric cars," said industry commissioner Antonio Tajani.
"These aren't just curiosities in motor shows any more. They are being keenly awaited by European citizens. It's important for citizens to be able to cross borders and still charge their cars."
Ensuring that there is a standardised charger is core to the strategy. Brussels does not want citizens to be as frustrated with their green vehicle as they are with a hair dryer in a foreign hotel when they've forgotten to buy an adapter.
The commission hopes to have electrical safety standards outlined by the end of 2010.
Then, next year, standards for the recharging of cars will be developed, and the following year, 2012, the commission wants to analyse the risks involved when such cars are involved in collisions.
The commission believes that hydrogen fuel-cell cars are one of "most promising options."
Responding to the plan announced today, Ian Williamson, the vice-chair of the UK Hydrogen Association said he was pleased with the strategy: "Hydrogen battery hybrid vehicles will be key to creating a low carbon transport infrastructure throughout Europe because, unlike pure electric vehicles, they offer consumers the same range, speed and fuelling times of conventional vehicles."
Green groups cautiously welcomed the news while underscoring that electric cars are only truly green if the electricity used comes from genuinely renewable sources. If the electricity is coming from coal-fired power plants, for example, this is just pushing the carbon emissions away from the vehicle but not tackling the root of the problem, they say.
"The Commission hasn't addressed two of the most critical issues, namely ensuring that the extra electricity needed will boost renewable sources and the need for smart meters in every vehicle to keep track of consumption and the carbon intensity of electricity," said Jos Dings, director of Transport & Environment, a green transit NGO.
"These two issues will be critical to ensuring that electric cars actually reduce emissions."
Provided by EUobserver—For the latest EU related news"
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