How can this tiny, very basic car with a price tag of USD2500 in India change the world? It is changing lives in India already one family at a time. It brings freedom of personal mobility to second most populous country in the world and brings to us new investment opportunities.

We do not know how Tata Motors can make money on these cars, but we know that every car will need steel treated with Zinc and battery with Lead. USD2500 opens doors to personal mobility for millions, with level of 25 cars per 1000 population - this market has a long way to go to Western standards. It is again our magic "Growth from Low Base" in action.

One of our top picks Canada Zinc Metals CZX.v was moving up steadily all last year from below 0.2CAD to recent 0.66CAD level. Chinese Tongling has acquired 13% of the company and now will be close to 20% if will exercise its warrants. It is an important issue for us in our Lithium and REE plays as well - last summer CZX.v announced strategic investment into TNR Gold.
"Peeyush Varshney, Chairman and CEO of Canada Zinc Metals, commented, "This strategic investment into TNR and its proposed spinoff subsidiary, International Lithium Corp, will give our shareholders diversification into the growing opportunities that rare metal industries are offering. Furthermore, the investment gives us an interest in TNR's stake in the significant Los Azules copper project in Argentina."
One day we can wake up with new shareholders in TNR Gold with a very deep pockets. Recent news on Tongling acquiring Copper assets in Ecuador with Chinese Railway Construction Corporation speaks for itself about place of this company in Chinese Government circles. It is no surprise that Los Azules has attracted their attention.
"China's second largest copper producer, Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Holdings Co, has joined with China Railway Construction Corp (CRCC) to make an agreed bid for Canada's Corriente Resources Inc."

Meanwhile company continues its work on one of the largest Zinc-Lead deposits in the world in stable Canada. Results from exploration shows further extension of the mineralised zone at the deposit and new discoveries at North Lead Anomaly. With two deposits in the area with magnitude of 50 million tones, dominant land holding in the area by CZX.v provides opportunity to consolidate the area with 100 million tons exploration target, which will put this on par with the top 10 largest Zinc-Lead deposits in the world.
10.78 Metres Grading 10.76% Zinc, 2.31% Lead, 17.88 G/T Silver And 8.50 Metres Grading 9.75% Zinc, 1.92% Lead And 14.79 G/T Silver
Vancouver, B.C. – December 10, 2008 – Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSX Venture: CZX (“Canada Zinc” or the “Company) is pleased to report further assay results from its 2008 drill program on the zinc-lead-silver bearing Cardiac Creek (CC) deposit. The CC deposit is on the 100% owned Akie property in northeastern British Columbia, approximately 260 kilometres north-northwest of the town of Mackenzie.
2008 Cardiac Creek Deposit Drill Program
The primary objectives of the 2008 drill program were to determine both the updip and on-strike extent of the CC deposit as well as to better define it within key selective areas. Information gained from this work will assist in forward planning for future exploration programs that may include advanced underground drilling and sampling activities.
Hole A-08-58 yielded an interval of 20.19 metres grading 9.35% zinc +lead (including 8.5 metres grading 11.67% zinc+lead). This intercept indicates that mineralization is still open in an updip direction from this hole. Holes A-08-64 (11.12 metres grading 9.03% zinc+lead) and A-08-66 (which includes 8.23 metres grading 6.96% zinc+lead) tested the southeastern extension of the deposit – these results are highly encouraging as they validate that mineralization remains open in this direction. Hole A-08-65 contains several high grade intervals (including 10.78 metres grading 13.07% zinc+lead) that confirm both the thickness and high grade of the CC deposit to the northwest. The high grade in hole A-08-60A (5.19 metres of 14.00% zinc+lead) supports the interpretation of a high grade core continuing to the northwest direction and highlights the value of some further drilling in this open area. In summary, the drilling completed to date indicates a strike length potentially exceeding 1 kilometer and a dip extent exceeding 550 metres.
Compiled assay drill hole summary results derived from analytical data received from Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. of Vancouver, BC, for six additional holes are presented here.
Exploration Elsewhere on the Akie Property
'The Company also successfully completed 2 holes (1,114 metres) on the North Lead Anomaly, located some 2.3 kilometres northwest of the nearest drill hole to intersect significant CC zinc-lead mineralization. These were designed to further investigate the Gunsteel formation hosted massive sphalerite-galena-pyrite-barite mineralization encountered by Inmet Mining Corporation in 1996. Results of these holes and analysis of the area are documented in a separate press release dated November 18.
Our 2008 exploration program, now completed, has provided valuable insights into new target areas which will allow us to better forward plan our 2009 exploration program. We are very pleased with this year’s drilling results and anticipate that they will result in an expansion of the defined resource. The completion of the road to the south eastern edge of the mineralization will allow a much more cost effective program to be implemented in the coming year and is a material component in our long range plans,” commented Jim Mustard, President of Canada Zinc Metals. “The CC deposit is one the most significant discoveries in Canada in the past several years.”Further details on these and previous results, including an updated long section plot of all drill holes is available on the Company’s new website: http://www.canadazincmetals.com/ .
About the Akie Property
The Akie zinc-lead property is situated within the southern-most part (Kechika Trough) of the regionally extensive Paleozoic Selwyn Basin, one of the most prolific sedimentary basins in the world for the occurrence of SEDEX zinc-lead-silver and stratiform barite deposits.
Drilling on the Akie property by Inmet Mining Corporation during the period 1994 to 1996 and by Canada Zinc since 2005 has identified a significant body of baritic-zinc-lead SEDEX mineralization (Cardiac Creek deposit). The deposit is hosted by variably siliceous, fine grained clastic rocks of the Middle to Late Devonian ‘Gunsteel’ formation. The Company recently filed a NI 43-101 report supporting the estimated inferred resource of 23.6 million tonnes grading 7.6% Zn, 1.5% Pb and 13.0 g/t Ag (at a 5% Zn cut off grade). The complete NI 43-101 technical report, titled “Geology, Diamond Drilling and Preliminary Resource Estimation, Akie Zinc-Lead-Silver Property, Northeast British Columbia, Canada” and dated May 30, 2008, can be viewed on SEDAR.
Two similar deposits, Cirque and South Cirque, located some 20 km northwest of Akie and owned under a joint venture by Teck Cominco and Korea Zinc, are also hosted by Gunsteel rocks and have a combined geologic inventory in excess of 50 million tonnes.
Qualified Person
John R. Fraser, P.Geo. (B.C.), Vice President of Exploration and a Director of Canada Zinc Metals is the Qualified Person for the Company, as defined by NI 43-101, and is responsible for the technical information contained in this release."
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